medicina energética






Esta medicina 

Revi al natural



Programa Azul 





Para qué sirve














Gripe porcina

Viagra, Hierbas Chinas

Experimento de Alcoy

Limpieza Hepato-Biliar

Programa de Desintoxicación

La gripe

El Invierno

Los Hidrolizados

Los acumuladores de energía orgón

El Dor-Buster

La Primavera

Cielito Lindo I

Acupuntura estética

La revolución Reich


La medicina catastrófica

Los bebés orgónicos

Orgón y Dor 

La Clonación de Idiotas

Revitalización y Envejecimiento

Talleres 2015

El magnesio 

La manta de orgón 

La medicina moderna




Navigator's log

7. What auxiliary medications are used?

Often, but, not always, some medications are prescribed during treatment.  As the subtitle states, they help. That is: they help or collaborate so that the treatment’s objectives are carried out faster and better. 

In most of the cases, it involves oral or injected homeopathic medication in the manner of modern German homeopathy or Reckeweg homeotoxicology, a school that works with homeopathic medicinal compounds supported in pharmacological studies, combined with lisados of organs (animal tissue   "treated" with homeopathic techniques) and nosodes (also homeopathically diluted and manipulated viruses, parasites, bacteria or diseased tissue).  

But, catalytic trace elements can also be given: metals and nonmetals that despite their negligible presence in the body are of great importance in the efficient development of the metabolic biochemistry.  Another interesting possibility are Flowers of Bach, prescribing fixed formulas that include several flowers simultaneously, and, proposing self medication to the patient- an alternative proposed by the very founder of the system. The herbal teas or the dyes derived from them, can also be considered at the time of choosing the best side-medication for each patient. The same goes  if it becomes essential to prescribe an antibiotic to "remove the picture" from an infectious situation. It is rare, but, it can happen, which makes a small explanation on the subject necessary.

Although it holds a clearly theoretical and practical position on medical problems, energy medicine does not have dogmatic interests nor does it suffer of theological fanaticism about them.  Most of the currently prescribed drugs (called allopathic) act toxically in the body, and this is particularly pertinent if they are used for long periods. Sometimes, they can be useful in the acute phase of a disease, and they are irreplaceable under emergencies where one is fighting for one’s life. But, unfortunately, they become a problem when used irresponsibly and/or during prolonged periods. 

A similar observation could be made about this medicine’s relationship with other different specialties. These are useful, in that they contribute to the knowledge of specific problems of the different organs and systems. So, the information that comes from a specialist is worthwhile, particularly, as far as the diagnosis goes. But, this manner of understanding medicine (from the specialty perspective) creates two problems: a possible indifference for problems in “the rest of the body" and the recommendation of measures and medicines that could be detrimental to the patient.

These are the shortcomings that energy medicine tries to correct, by advancing from a holistic or global angle on health problems.  

And, it may be relevant to mention something about the so-called pharmacological test that is usually taken, to know whether a medication one is contemplating on giving will be effective, indifferent or even harmful. This test, a true and fortuitous finding of doctor Voll’s during the development of his electro-acupuncture, is performed in the following way: while the patient holds in his hand the electrode that connects him to the Dermatrón, the doctor places the medicine in the "beehive" (circular device with holes to insert blisters into) before retaking the points that have given off the highest deviation.

The substance contained in the tested blister is also in the same condition, because the "beehive" is part of the circuit, and, therefore, its radiation wave will influence the new reading, be it by averaging it, ignoring it or enhancing it. It is a practical, safe and efficient way to know ahead of time if prescribing such-and-such a compound is a good idea or a gamble with more hopes than substance.  

To Chapter 8: About the nutrition and the physical activity

To The Navigator's log

To Beginning


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Medicina energética

Inicio / Presentación / Esta medicina / Revitalización al natural / Investigaciones / Historias / Programa Azul / Viaje / Desintoxicación / Diccionario / Cerebros / Para qué sirve / Sociedad / Mapa / Concierto / Funciones / Estadística / Mediciones / Revitalización / Glosario / Articulos / Enlaces / Morir como chanchos / Chicos / Plantas / Acupuntura-Orgón / English / Deutsch / Talleres / Viagra, Hierbas chinas / El experimento de Alcoy / Limpieza Hepato-Biliar / Programa de Desintoxicación / La Gripe / El Invierno / Los Hidrolizados / Los acumuladores de energía orgón / El Dor-Buster / La Primavera / Cielito Lindo I / Acupuntura Estética / La revolución Reich / La medicina catastrófica / Los bebés orgónicos / Orgón y Dor / La Clonación de Idiotas  / Revitalización y Envejecimiento / Talleres 2015 / El magnesio / La manta de orgón / La medicina moderna  /  Andropausia

Dr. Carlos Inza / Salguero 1807 - 11A / CP 1425 Buenos Aires - Argentina / Tel-fax: (011) 4822-5946